Special Series: Social Media Curation for Special Events

Working in the digital publishing industry, you’ve probably spent the last few years finding new ways to hold on to your readers, distributing more of your content on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. And those efforts pay off:  as VentureBeat reported, referrals from social media to news sites continues to increase, surpassing even search.  But in the end, how do you keep those readers engaged with your brand and consuming more of your onsite content?

Social media curation, which incorporates social content alongside your editorial content, can play a key role in keeping readers onsite longer, reading more pages.  Readers crave the crowd’s perspective on breaking news, and are increasingly looking for this on social media.

Special events create a great opportunity to help your site rise above all the noise that’s so prevalent on the internet and on social networks.  Social media is a critical source of news and commentary. That is because it’s the best representation of what’s happening now.

Using social media curation, you can deliver an engaging stream of relevant posts for your site based on what’s important now. And best of all, using automated technology to build these streams, you save time searching for this content.

Here are 5 examples of how you can use social media curation for special events:

1. For Christmas we gathered all social media content related to Christmas in one overview. This displayed the most trending Christmas content of a couple of well-known websites.

christmas demo

2. Our editorial team created a full page widget displaying the most popular and most shared social media content about Black Friday and Cyber Monday.


3. One of our customers, Indian Express, found a great way to engage with their audience by creating a widget to cover the elections in the state of Bihar, India.


4. With all the chatter going on social media, we decided to gather everything on #OscarNoms on social media and present it all in one place.


5. For Halloween, we’ve created a social media stream that is divided into different topics; trending content ranked by popularity, and content fetched by location, made possible through our geolocation markers.


We have an incredible customer support team that specializes in customized social media curation, finding the best items on social media for your publication. Are you looking to cover an event on social media, engage more with your readers, and drive additional revenue? Give it a try, we’re happy to help!