Breaking Burner
Multi-source, topic-based curated social stream.
How It Works
Multiple sources and languages
With Breaking Burner, you can integrate Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, Vimeo, Tumblr, and RSS Feeds. Breaking Burner displays content in the language(s) of your choice. You can choose from more than 25 languages.
Safe and curated
Our refined system ensures appropriate content by filtering out profanity and your competitor's content. If you prefer full control you can always curate the queue to exclude content.
Various displays and customization
Choose your own style. Publish your content streams as widgets, content-width streams or even attractive social media pages your readers can share. All are fully styleable to match your website's look and feel. Or create your own experiences by using our set of APIs.
Flexible Applications. The Choice is Yours.
Deliver the crowd's perspective on breaking news and events.
Combine Twitter, Facebook, and even more sources into one single stream.
Deliver social media content for any topic, e.g. (world) news, sports or lifestyle.
Crowdynews increased site engagement almost immediately. But, what I like best is knowing about everything that is trending on social media including the latest in entertainment news.
Lee Bailey, Owner, Rabercom Enterprises

Tell Us Your Story
Let us show you how you can easily discover and detect relevant social content to bring your story to life.