Social Media Curation Results Webinar

social media curation results

The third and final webinar was held last week, Social Media Curation Results. During the 30-minute presentation, presenter Allyson Barr – VP of Marketing – shared with attendees how Crowdynews customers measure reader engagement using a social media stream.

Specifically, she covered:

  1. How readers find & engage with publisher content,
  2. Measuring reader engagement using social media streams,
  3. Crowdynews customer use cases, and
  4. Reader behavior statistics.

social media curation results button

For example, did you know that while the majority of online news is consumed from familiar & trusted brands (e.g., New York Times), the starting point to locating a news story is more likely to begin with a search engine, social network, email, or a PUSH notification than a brand’s homepage? In addition, the majority of readers who arrive at a publisher’s site from social are the most difficult to engage.

Using the challenges that social media pose for a publisher as a framework, the webinar delved into real-world examples of how publishers are able to use a social media stream to increase reader engagement on their digital site and measure its effectiveness.

Following is a chart depicting social media stream impressions based on platforms during the 2016 Summer Olympics for a Crowdynews customer.

social media curation results Graph

A number of inferences can be drawn from platform usage data. Insights such as which platform(s) readers prefer to consume publisher content as well as peak consumption days and times (data can be viewed on a per hour basis as well) can help editors and publishers create optimal viewing experiences for their readers.

For more information, please register to attend Crowdynews’ “7 Metrics for Measuring Site Engagement” webinar on Tuesday, November 15 @ 1:00 PM ET. The webinar will cover:

  • How social media impacts reader behavior,
  • How you can use social media to boost onsite engagement, and
  • The 7 key metrics for measuring site engagement.