Crowdynews covers the Tour de France 2015

tourdefranceIn just over two weeks the Tour de France starts on July 4th. The Grand Départ takes place in Utrecht. That’s pretty special to us since this is in the Netherlands. 🙂 Are you looking for an awesome social overview on the Tour de France? We’ve gathered all social content for you!

The Tour on social

Digimind put all of their findings in this infographic to show highlights of 2013’s 100th Tour de France. Digimind put together more interesting facts on 2013’s race, have a look. Last year the Tour de France went multi-platform on social media, using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and Vine to report on 198 cyclists’ progress along the 3,664km route, making the race much more social than in previous years.

Our social stream is divided into 3 different topics.

TourdeFrance on Social

TDF2015 Stream shows realtime content featuring the social media channels of the cyclists, teams and the Tour de France organization

#TDF2015 Ranked displays ranked content 
 InstaTour shows Instagram content

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About Crowdynews 

Crowdynews is a Dutch technology company that enables publishers and editors all over the world to easily blend traditional news stories with the social commentary, keeping readers engaged on your site. Crowdynews’ technology automatically selects the social media commentary relevant for your news stories while giving you control over what gets published on your page. The platform lets you set filters for language, competitors or whatever your criteria.