Need Support?

We're happy to help!

Photo credits: Angelo Roga

Are you an existing Crowdynews customer and do you need support?
You can find detailed help guides and FAQs on My Breaking Burner. Still haven't found what you're looking for?
Save time by sending your support request online and we'll connect you to one of our Customer Services experts.
You can contact our team of experts by:

  • sending an email to [email protected];
  • calling us at + 31 (0)50 8200 220 (select option 1) or;
  • contacting us through the form below.

Make sure you provide us with as much information as possible, so we can help you quickly. One of our team members will then be in touch with you as soon as possible. And the best part is, our helpful customer support team speaks English, Dutch,  Spanish, Portuguese and Bahasa Indonesian, so we’ve probably got your preferred language covered.